The Pacific Northwest is a hotbed of modern and contemporary design, with a unique emphasis on energy-efficient and sustainable architecture.
From affordable houses to million-dollar custom homes, multi-family residential and mixed-use buildings, green building and sustainable approaches to urban living, you’ll find it all here at Northwest Modern Homes.

Many homebuyers today appreciate the modern asthetic and are interested in purchasing and living in a home that has a modern and streamline feel. This does not necessarily mean a new home, as the Bauhaus and Modern Home design began in the 1920’s, so when we speak of “Modern Homes”, they may not necessarily be new but have the clean lines and open spaces that epitomize this kind of design asthetic.
Please feel free to contact us about any home you see here. You may email me or call at 206-329-3795.

Built Green is an environmentally-friendly, non-profit, residential building program of the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties, developed in partnership with King County, Snohomish County, and other agencies in Washington State. The Built Green logo is your assurance that your builder has certified that your new home contains selected Built Green features and meets the criteria on the Built Green checklist.